November 9, 2008

Future Bathroom

The purpose of this trip was to begin to change lives by getting people OUT of the OUTHOUSE and into a bathroom with running water for the first time in their lives. This first family is going to change this old brick shed into their bathroom. Through your generous donations, the charity was able to purchase a toilet, shower, sink, taps, vanity, gravel, cement, sand and whitewash for them to make the conversion. They still need flooring, a pump and generator to bring water from the well and money to pay the plumber and electrician. This is a photo of their well where they presently get their water. See how rusty the bucket is. (DOUBLE CLICK on the photo to enlarge it.) The kitchen facilities to heat the water were even less desirable.
Finally, three teachers (2 in their mid 40s and one in her mid-70s), will have their first toilet and shower. After teaching all day, then working in the fields all evening, they will be able to use something other than a basin to wash in.
Let's help more of these folks!! We take donations all year round.

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