April 19, 2009

The Poor Suffer the Most

07 March, 2009, 04:02
The credit crunch has left no corner of the globe untouched, but few places are suffering more than Ukraine, where the economy is on the brink. Some media describe the mood as pre-revolutionary. Unemployment is growing fast...Unlike other eastern European countries, Ukraine hasn’t got an EU lifeline.
The number of unemployed dramatically increased by 50 per cent in January alone. The country’s industry, and as a result, its exports, are suffering most.
“Industry has suffered immensely, and millions in towns which depend on work at factories are left without the means for survival,” said Yulia Tyshenko from the Centre of Independent Political Research.

New revolution ahead?

In recent months Ukraine has witnessed dozens of protests. Bakers, doctors, car owners – practically anyone you could think of has been on strike. People queued up in banks to demand easier loans.
Kiev’s famous Independence Square is again adorned with political slogans. One banners reads: “We’re against everyone”.


An understanding of why we do this -

Those of you who know the story of the man who threw the starfish back in the ocean while walking along the beach will remember his wise answer when asked by a friend, "Why bother, there are so many, the beach is covered in them?"  His simple reply, as he tossed one back was, "Well, I just helped that one!" 

Here are a couple of people who were happy to be our starfish:

This gentleman from Podillia in Western Ukraine is wearing a warm pullover that we sent. He had been poor all his life - he has since passed away, but those clothes we sent kept him warm in his aging years:

That's me being thanked for his "new" (gently used) pullover -- sent by someone in Canada who was happy to share what they no longer needed.

Another man that was shipped clothing told us "Without your help, we would have been naked."

I often wonder about that, as I did see one of the other families that was there was only wearing the clothes we had sent over the course of 3 weeks....I never knew what they wore before we shipped those clothes. 


This is a tiny fellow born to a single Mom who also came from one of the poorest homes in one of the poorest villages. A lovely family in Calgary parted with this very new outfit that they had treasured.

One of their grandchildren had worn it and they knew more grandchildren were on the way.
BUT - they knew others had greater needs.
He looks very happy in his new warm coat, pants and hat!

This picture shows him with his young single Mo. We are so grateful to donors that enable us to help out Ukrainian families.


During one trip, on one of the last days before heading home, I ran across this striking woman and asked if I could take her photo. I gave her ten dollars, and she burst into tears and told me that her son who lived with her beat her every day. She told me that I was an angel, and I wished that I had more money left to give her.

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