March 26, 2010

2010 Update

Ukraine has slipped from 112th on the list of "Economic Freedom of the World" to 128th - almost at the bottom of the list (out of 141). (For instance, Haiti is 87th - I also gave to the earthquake victims, don't get me wrong!, Phillipines is 69th, Russia is 83rd).
Their government is not succeeding in bringing them out of their poverty....corruption continues to hinder. The latest figures can be seen on the site done by the renowned Fraser Institute. Shocking. That is a huge drop. We cannot help everyone, but we must help some.

Our focus continues to be the installation of running water and/or toilets and sinks to lighten their heavy burdens. Goods are more readily available in their country now, so we have shifted our focus to this much needed hygiene area. Ukraine has many diseases - the sanitation is 100 years behind ours. Please continue your wonderful support! Thank you many times over!

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