March 16, 2014

Current Requests - Food, Widow's Cracked Walls, Birth of Child, Cancer Medicines

A widow who lives in this house has asked for help - she is freezing in the winter as her home is full of large cracks and holes! Her home needs re-mudding and a new window. Can you help?

SCROLL DOWN TO see what people like you have accomplished there. New wells, running water, clothing, food, medicines, and more!

Cancer patients cannot pay for needed medicines that cost thousands of dollars a month. We have been asked to help with medical needs for some patients who cannot afford the cost of prescriptions.  Will you help?

PLEASE SCROLL DOWN to the bottom to see thinly clothed, starving children. Your monetary donations have brought them food. There are so many more!

A married young woman - pregnant with her first child - cannot afford the thousand dollar medical bill for the hospital fee. Despite being a university graduate, the salaries in Ukraine are extremely low. The chances for employment for new graduates is very limited, so the opportunity to have children is greatly restricted.  Would you help?

She also needs clothing and other baby essentials for the son she will have in May.

Below are typical street scenes throughout Ukraine - the elderly suffer greatly. Many are victims of terrible elder abuse within their homes. The stress of their repressed economy takes its toll on every sector and age group, and force many to beg and/or sit outside in every weather condition to sell what they are able.

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