April 10, 2023

First Aid for Soldiers


Life saving tourniquets, medicines and hemostatic gauze were sent to soldiers on the front lines.

They express their gratitude to the pharmacist in Ukraine and her drivers who delivered the order, and to you our donors.

They are most grateful for any and all help as they courageously keep up the battle for democracy in their homeland.

March 21, 2023

Our Donors are the Best! You help so many in great need.

 Every day, we receive amazing emails from the broken-hearted victims of war who thank our wonderful donors for your goodness.

Here is one example, from a single mother with a nine year old handicapped son
She sent a video of him, below, doing his much needed rehab, only made possible by donations:

"Once again, I sincerely thank you for your help.
Thanks to you, I am taking my child to rehabilitation.
Although it is very scary for us now, rockets are flying, but the child must be treated because time is running out.
Apart from you, no one has helped us so far, where I have turned.
Nobody needs a disabled child. (She means no one will babysit for her.)
Sometimes I just sit and cry about how to live without work with a sick child.
I can't imagine what we would do without your help."

"Хороший день. Надсилаю Вам звіт за лютий.

Ще раз щиро дякую за допомогу.
Завдяки вам я веду свою дитину на реабілітацію.
Хоч у нас зараз дуже страшно, ракети летять, але дитину треба лікувати, бо час спливає.
Крім вас, ніхто нам досі не допоміг, куди я не звертався.
дитина-інвалід нікому не потрібна.
Іноді просто сиджу і плачу, як жити без роботи з хворою дитиною.
Я не можу уявити, що б ми робили без вашої допомоги."

He is nine but just learning how to form his printed letters:

January 25, 2023

Refugees in Ukraine Thank You for Food and Clothing!

We continue to aid single mothers with young children, the handicapped/disabled, and the elderly, who state "they do not know how they would survive without this aid". (See post below with their actual emails.)

With your donations, they are able to get food, clothing, medicine, shelter and hygiene items.
The photos below are just a tiny sample of reports and pictures we receive daily from our hundreds of recipients.

They send their deep thanks along to you, our donors.


We recently made a purchase of gloves for soldiers as they are a high use item that wear out fast on the battlefield.

Recently, the soldier in this photo contacted our Dnipro volunteer to request clothing, as his was torn and bloody after being shot, very soon after joining the front line. He's extra happy for the warm winter coat and the vest that saved his life when shot a second time.

Thank you for your donations that provide hope and help to these brave people.

Hygiene Items, Cleaning Products and Medicines for a Large Boarding House

Our wonderful volunteers in Chernivtsi recently delivered hygiene items, diapers, power banks for electric outages, medicines and cleaning products to a local boarding house with over 240 residents.
The residents are internally displaced families who fled eastern war zones and now live in the western city of Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Here are just a few of the photos they shared from two trips to deliver these goods.
They report that the residents, though they look sad, were delighted to get the hygiene items.

Thank you for your donations that allow us to go there monthly with much needed supplies, things they would otherwise do without!

December 26, 2022

Tiny Children Send Gratitude to our Donors

Many families in Ukraine tell me they are teaching their young children to never give up hope because of good people like you!!


He's making his hand into a heart....