February 29, 2016

Thank you United Way Donors!

Thank you to those donors who donated to S.O.S. Ukraine through the United Way!

Your donations are sorely needed for cancer patients who otherwise cannot afford extremely expensive treatments, as well as seniors and single mothers.  Those who cannot afford medicine, surgery and other treatments are just left to die.

Cancer is very common among those under 50 in Ukraine. Hospitals are so poorly equipped that they don't offer gowns or blankets; people often keep their own street clothes on.

The prices in Ukraine are as high as they are in Canada; the wages are ridiculously low - school teachers make less than $200 Canadian per month! Groceries are similar to prices we pay in Canada - from fruit to meat.

Graduates of universities are most often unemployed; there are no jobs.
Many are young widows and fatherless due to the continuing war. Even their own soldiers receive no food from the corrupt government!

Every dollar we receive from the United Way goes directly and completely to help the poor in Ukraine.

We pay no salaries and have no office overhead.  Please consider donating DIRECTLY through this blog or by cheque to our address, so we can retain a higher percentage for the poor. (Third party agencies take a cut before administering to the charities of your choice.)

 “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”    
                                                                                                                                                James 1:27

Teen daughter of a single Mom has ongoing health problems. 
She has been admitted to the hospital numerous times in the past couple of years with no known diagnosis. 

This is a hospital room! You can see how poorly equipped it is. 

Thankfully, she has a sponsor which allows her Mom to buy a little bit of food. 

Prior to having a sponsor, she, her sister, her Mom and her grandmother were literally starving and searching for food in other people's gardens. 
They live in a very tiny, cramped apartment without a kitchen of their own, and no land to grow any food.

Their situation is typical of millions. 


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