May 30, 2019

Progress Report - Sponsor a Child

S.O.S. - what does that mean to you? Once used as a distress signal (now replaced by "Mayday") - it once connoted any of the following:

Save Our Ship
Save Our Souls
Sink Or Swim
Send out Succor
Save our Sinking Sink

For S.O.S. Ukraine, it means all of these things! SO MANY need our help.

First the good news - here's a quick update on the progress of the families we have sponsored in our new program (Sponsor A Child - started in September 2014)

From Ukraine - "People who we help became healthier, happier, more optimistic. We do a big job. Thanks to you and our sponsors. I really wish them to have very nice holidays, enjoy themselves, be happy and jolly."

There are thousands more. Starving.
Unable to pay to heat their dwellings, to buy medicines, clothes or footwear.

We have no paid staff or office overead, so all of your donation goes directly to aid the poor.
Please help. Mail a donation now to S.O.S. Ukraine 44 Sunmeadows Place S.E. Calgary AB T2X 3H3.

OR email to do an e-transfer - such an easy way to truly give help to one in desperate need and with no hope.

You can also hit the "Donate Now" button on this page (we lose a small percentage).
Your money is used ONLY for the poor in Ukraine.
We are volunteer run.
THANK YOU. The Lord thanks you. We thank you.
The suffering poor in Ukraine also give thanks to all those who have helped or will help.
Do a little good today.

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