April 8, 2022

Let's Help Mariupol Refugees

As you know, the city of Mariupol was completely destroyed. The heartbreak continues as many are still trapped there without water, heat or electricity, and under threat of losing their lives, being abducted, tortured and killed.

We have connected with many who fled with nothing but a backpack or small suitcase, under gunfire. Some were injured as they fled, others had children who need medical attention.

We've sent aid to many families from Mariupol now, and will do so as long as donations continue to come into the charity.

All of these refugees have been carefully vetted and must report back to us.

We've just received the first report, with photos from one family, so here you go -
This family consists of a father who is in a wheelchair, unable to walk, due to injuries sustained in 2015 in the war in Crimea. His wife was a former professor of history and archaeology at the Mariupol State University. He and his wife are in Lviv now, but he has special, ongoing medical needs. Many of their family members are still trapped in Mariupol.

There are others on our list as well as waiting, who are single mothers or those whose husbands are fighting on the front lines.

Let's help them so they do not fall prey to another level of evil. Many women over the past decades from eastern Europe have landed in the sex trade, unknowingly and unwittingly taken advantage of those who trick them with offers of employment but instead sell them. Evil has no bounds, it seems.

On the upside - this family is eating and buying needed times thanks to our very kind donors.

We cannot help them all but those who receive your help are deeply grateful, as you can imagine.

Any kindness after the trauma they have witnessed is so precious to them.

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