December 21, 2014

Progress on Sponsor A Child Program

S.O.S. - what does that mean to you? Once used as a distress signal (now replaced by "Mayday") - it once connoted any of the following:

Save Our Ship
Save Our Souls
Sink Or Swim
Send out Succor
Save our Sinking Sink

For us at SOS Ukraine, it means all of these things! SO MANY need our help. Since war broke out in eastern Ukraine, the distress signal is ever more dire. When I say thousands are starving to death there, and we are rallying our troops (aka - you, who reads this) - this is serious, real, and urgent.

First the good news - here's a quick update on the progress of the families we have sponsored in our new program (Sponsor A Child - started in September 2014)

 A single Mom with three daughters (2 above) had to stay home after her youngest child became seriously ill. She searched every day for a job, sending out many applications daily for months. All she could find was a meager part time job in another town. The cost of her travel there and back leaves her with only about a dollar a day. Recently, the daughter on the right collapsed in the street and spent time in the hospital. The bills from the hospital, ongoing medications and doctor's fees are more than she can bear. She is grateful for all the donations that have alleviated this great worry. (See separate post showing the medical tests done.)

Here's just a few photos of those who send their thanks.
But you know --- there are thousands more. Starving. Unable to pay to heat their dwellings, buy medicines, clothes or footwear. Please, please - help.

Just hit the "Donate Now" button at the top of this blog - easy.
Your money is used ONLY for the poor in Ukraine, not to pay anyone's salaries, etc.
We are volunteer run.

THANK YOU. The Lord thanks you. We thank you. The suffering poor in Ukraine
thank you.

Thanks to a donor, heat and medicine was made available to these folks - the grandma suffered a stroke and they are very grateful for the help.

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