January 27, 2015

Conditions Worsening

Update from our Western Ukraine agent, January 27, 2015:

"All the children have very long winter holidays now, and the teachers don't go to their work as the authority doesn't pay money and we don't get our salaries. We hope the situation will change soon and we'll start school in February, but no one knows for sure."

Update from our volunteer in Central Ukraine, January 20, 2015:

"I will be honest with you - without our money and help she wouldn't survive." (one of the sponsored families who are trapped in the war zone)

"Situation in Donetsk is getting worse. Even in my city last night a rail way was destroyed by bomb.

And one bank right in my city. It is getting dangerous."

REMEMBER - 100% of your DONATION goes DIRECTLY to the POOR in UKRAINE. 
Right now, our top priority is feeding the hungry - who are innocent victims, the suffering but very deserving families in search of compassion from us in the West who can send hope.

"Charity never faileth." 
"Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me...."

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