February 28, 2015

Life at War in Ukraine - February 2015

Please see below for pictures of the home of one of our sponsored families and many others who live in the Donetsk area. It is very difficult, next to impossible to escape the war zone right now.

One of our sponsored families (their pictures are elsewhere in this post) recently spent 5 days and nights in an underground shelter like this.

Vadim and his 2 year old sister are traumatized and waken at night shaking with night terrors, and hide under the bed.

Vadim's very courageous mother, once a school teacher, desperately needs to re-establish a new life with her young son and baby daughter. Her husband was killed in the war. They have finally managed to escaped to a town just outside the war zone the week of March 12. So many others need our help.

YESTERDAY, another young Mom was found in her apartment (outside the war zone in ZAPOROZHYE) a week after she died of starvation. Her 3 year old daughter now lies in intensive care in a hospital.     People need to open their eyes and their wallets to these truths, that "to whom much is given, much is expected".    If you can donate even $5, it will add up and make a difference!  'I was an hungered and ye gave me meat...'."

Evacuated from their destroyed homes due to war, with no services, families shiver in the cold to cook on outdoor flames.

Finding food in temporary conditions, heating it outside on open flames, no support from their bankrupt government. These families are in DIRE need of YOUR small donations which can help buy them a meal.

Please - DONATE NOW to help these families!
Thank you! 
100% of donations go directly to the poor.
We have no paid staff or overhead.

See also - Donetsk airport before and after photos:


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